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A Day in the Life… Cybersecurity Edition

Beyond the Hollywood Hacker A hooded figure sits at a small desk in complete darkness with just the light of the computer screen dimly illuminating the outline of their face as they furiously pound away at their keyboard. Suddenly they stop typing and in an ominous voice exclaim “I’m in!” For most people when they […]

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Identifying and Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents

CSI: Cybersecurity Investigators Knowing how to identify a potential cyber-attack has seemingly become a job requirement nowadays for anyone working with technology in any k-12 school district. But with so many devices, services, and solutions that make up our technology environment, monitoring every asset 24/7 has become an impractical if not impossible task. However, knowing […]

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Cybersecurity Isn’t Punk Rock: How to Use and Apply Compli

The year is 2005, I’m 12 years old, and one day after school, the girl who I had my first real crush on walked by with her walkman (the cd version) and after a horrifically awkward conversation, I finally asked what she was listening to. Without saying a word she put her headphones on my […]

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How Hardware and Software Inventories Help Secure Our Networ

Cybersecurity is like a Gas Station? Every morning I wake up and get ready for the day in the same usual way, walk and feed the dogs, take a shower and get dressed, and then head to work. By the time I get to work though I have to be ready to hit the ground […]

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Top Secret: A Guide to Implementing Data Classification in E

Classified Conversations When I was 12 years old, on one occasion at my best friend’s family dinner, everyone went around the table talking about their day and what they did, except for my friend’s father. Curious why he hadn’t said anything, I asked him what he did for work and how it was going. After […]

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Malware Analysis of the Emotet Banking Trojan

Current Day Heist Ever since I can remember, my Dad has always loved watching heist movies. Whether it was Ocean’s 11, Catch Me If You Can, National Treasure, or the Italian Job, if there is a heist movie on TV, he’s watching it, and more than likely changing the channels during the commercials if there […]

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Understanding the Principle of Least Privilege

The Jurassic Park Lesson The Principle of Least Privilege is the principle that users and programs should only have the necessary privileges to complete their tasks. In the case of Jurassic Park, this whole situation could have been avoided if they had applied the principle of least privilege throughout the systems in the park. Sure, Dennis […]

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5 Steps to Protect PII

A Practical Guide For Protecting Our Most Important Information It seems that week after week there is a new story in the news about yet another company suffering a data breach. It has become so commonplace now that only the truly large breaches make the headlines. But despite truly staggering numbers of data breaches, many […]

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Creating and Maintaining an Audit Log Management Process

It’s 10 PM; Do You Know Where Your Logs Are? An attacker has just silently infiltrated your network. Once in the network, they were able to sneak around for several months, gathering data on the best way to carry out their attack. Finally, they find their attack path and create a new user account so […]

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The Age of the Browser: How to Secure the Browser and Minimi

From Computer Labs to Chromebooks When I was in elementary school, we had one computer lab in our library that was filled with old Macintosh computers that were 1 and a half feet by 1 and a half feet cubes that weighed 50 pounds each. Each one had Microsoft Word installed on the machine with […]

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